Monday, 24 July 2017

Review of the Big Comfy Bookshop

The Writer’s Hub, which normally meets at the Belgrade Theatre fortnightly, met here today.

The location in Fargo Village in Far Gosford Street, Coventry, is in amongst other artistic situations. Plenty of coffee was available along with a choice of cakes. I had a bacon sandwich ( I had been up a long time!). The place as you would expect is full of well-priced second hand books.

It is owned by Michael McEntee with two willing helpers we saw today. his number is 07396 029448. His contact details are:- Website –

There was some music in the background at the start of our meeting, but I think that it was toned down whilst we were talking and discussing our writing. There are groups of tables which were brought together today to enable 12 of us to sit together – very accommodating.

Cafe Carpe
Cafe Carpe - 18 South Water St. West, Fort Atkinson,
WI 53538
+ 1 920-563-9391

 Creative Cafe Activities 

  • live music 
  • private hire 
  • WiFi

Friday, 7 July 2017

Inspire Cafe, Dubuque, Indiana, USA

 955 Washington St.
Suite 105, Schmid Innovation Center 

Creative Cafe activities

Inspiring People
live music